
Showing posts from April, 2015

Nigeria's Elite Tragic and Deadly blame Game

Most Nigerians hold biased views about IBO's based on folklore that has been hard wired into their consciousness on the political level. These views are so pervasive that the cannot be undone despite their many positive business and social interactions with IBO people, granted not all of them, but most of them. The sins and crimes traditionally attributed to Ibos are committed by all tribes against each other nowadays. Has the crime of any IBO man even come close to the mindless violence perpetuated by Boko harem against its own people or can anyone claim that the worst betrayal of their life has come at the hands of an IBO man in all cases as opposed to being a victim of their fellow tribes man, a poll of the matter might help Nigerians become more self aware of this learned generational bias. Presently, Social media is awash with anti-ibo posts insinuating that these migrant people are dependents of the indigenes but nothing can be further from the truth. The reality is that...