Traditional Leadership (Mis)Imperative

You understand the problems of Nigeria when you begin to wonder why the Ooni of Ife and the Sultan of Sokoto are the only Kings seated at the table alongside Mr. President and his VP. What an outrage that the Tor Tiv, the king of the Tiv the 4/5th largest tribe and victim of terrorist attacks and and the Emir of Zazzau are standing when Mallam Kyari is seated. Non strategic (my opinion) Igbos claim to be republicans and don't have a king, but where is the easily recognizable Obi of Onitsha, the king of the town where IPOB draws its core support and which always blocks the Niger bridge, the only bridge linking the north with the seemingly unimportant east and who is this Igbo H.R.M, I never heard of him before, is he there for just photo ops. In finding solutions to Nigeria's calls for restructuring and the need for unity, why are the Kings of the SS republics that lay the golden goose and through whose lands the pipelines that fuel Nigeria not afforded equal respect and brough...