Nnamdi Kanu orders attack on Jubrin in Japan.

ME: Ndigbo, especially IPOB members, please do not repeat the mistakes of 1966, by taking matters into your hands and killing other people’s leaders and representatives, you  are not they only aggrieved Nigerian or Biafran who are being killed. 

Do not attack any non-Igbo politician. Do not be among they beaters or killers, instead find and let an aggrieved Hausa or Fulani or Yoruba man beat Buhari instead and run from them when the camera’s are rolling so you do not associate the Ndigbo with any attack and invite indignant* reprisals. 

While your financial independence and stubbornness has made you imperious to advice or respect for your elders, in contrast other cultures are not that way, they youth rever and near worship, yes, ranke Dede, their elders and listen to their counsel, it’s why you are marginalized, and they will not take kindly to any attacks by disrespectful Igbo’s*. 

Please see this picture of a whole former two time head of state and retired Full General prostrating for a Kabiyesi to understand this culture of respect and deference to their spiritual leaders, imagine what OBJ would do to a small boy who cannot bow like he has bowed*, you just don’t understand, but try, not every tribe is like you*.

God help you if you kill Buhari because the revenge massacres of 1966 will be child’s play and it will not be against you in safe in Japan, but against your brothers doing business in Kano and Kafanchan, etc. who will be forced to go back home. 

And a word of advice brush up your leaders in private behind closed doors and patch them up before pushing them back out they door like is done by other Nigerian tribes.

I am not even sure when this new found sense of individualism and insults of your elders began, probably after the war from anger at fending for (y)ourselves during the war when your elders could not help you, we understand you pulled yourself up by your bootstraps, but Igbo’s have always revered their Amala and they age grade system, until recently when any efululefu can just waka his senior, unu, tufiakwa!!!

Umu Chineke, Gen’ti


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