Igbo Quit Notice - What Arewa and the rest of Nigeria Forgot

For years the great people of the middle-belt, south south and south east were very accommodating and allowed Fulani herdsmen graze openly and without restriction on their lands with the understanding that the stay clear of farmland.

Initially these people tolerated these nomadic Fulani who have no true home and allowed them graze on their land without paying any fees except for the occasional tribute to the local chief. 

These people were so accommodating the allowed these Fulani and Hausa merchants to buy land and or build houses and because of their strange habits and religion many towns outside the north allowed for the creation of Hausa quarters similar to Sabo gari in Kano.

These natives were so accommodating the allowed new generations of these Fulani in these Hausa quarters to own the land and even allowed them to build mosques.

However after the creation of the northern region headquartered in Kaduna but controlled by the caliphate in Sokoto these Fulani and now indigenous Hausa people began to act like that gave them dominion over the berom and Tiv and angas and the many tribes of the middlebelt.

The broke the century old understandings of avoiding farmlands and began to graze openly on farms destroying crops despite repeated warnings to steer clear of farmland.

After a few clashes with the farmers that are usually settled by mutual compensation the Fulani aided by a new sense of jihad and other theology about being superior turned on their hosts and even hired mercenaries to kill and outrightly seize the land of these peaceful host people. 

They host people were so accommodating and allowed them free movement and access that these Hausa Fulani now believe the own they land that was freely given to them to allow them trade that they now believe the settled in places like the Benue valley before the tiv.

In plateau these settler Hausas despite being appointed and elected to political positions due to the hospitality of the berom refuse to bend to the political power of the berom who gave them land and power and began to burn their churches because of their new found power because their brothers were presidents of nigeria.

Similar to Arewa with Igbos the states of Tarana, Benue and Ekiti are all fed up with the activities, disrespect and blood lust of Hausa Fulani who would kill the host who invited them into their home.

All these states have been forced because of the killings by their tenant Fulani to initiate anti grazing policies to keep the Fulani out of their land.

But these Fulani, so disrespectful, are issuing threats through their Miyatti and other organizations because these people are tired of Fulani people. 

Similar to Igbo people, Fulani herdsmen and Hausa people are a migrant people who left their lands to become prosperous settlers in other parts of Nigeria selling meat, hides and skin, textiles etc and they have million Naira investments and properties in the other parts of Nigeria.

After its well publicized quit notice to Igbo people to leave the north and the threat to inventory and seize their properties and now with the recent attack on a Fulani community by the indigenous people in Taraba and previously by the Christian angas and berom in Plateau state a time will come when

All Hausa merchants and Fulani cattle men will receive a quit notice to leave the rest of Nigeria

It is time for Arewa and Nigerians to stop buying into the False Narratives and myths about the migratory patterns of all Nigerians particularly the Hausa and the notorious Fulani herdsmen

By Terhemba Osuji



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